We were asked to participate in a brainstorm by an alcoholic drinks company. It was being run by a specialist NPD agency who we like. We said “Yes”.

As it was a drinks company the brainstorm was to take place in the private room of a pub, on the Thames (above). It was to be followed by a team building dinner and then a follow up session at the NPD agency’s offices the next morning.

The brainstorm was good and lively, and flip chart after flip chart were completed. Cabs were arranged to take us to our central London dinner venue and the flip charts, needed for tomorrows follow up meeting, were left in the charge of an Account Manager from the NPD agency.

Needless to say the dinner was followed by more drinks, and some proposed going on to a club. At that point we retired for the night.

The following morning as we made our way to their offices we realised that the NPD agency were calling us frantically.

The problem? The Account Manager had gone on to the club and at some point had mislaid all the flip charts! At this very moment they’re probably in the back of a cab, or going round the Circle Line yet again. If they’re not in a skip or an incinerator.

When the client arrived at the agency to discover the follow up couldn’t take place and all yesterdays work had been lost they were remarkably calm and understanding about it.

Nevertheless, we’re very glad it wasn’t us!